Task Leader Guidelines - print and keep as an aide memoir

Kingston Lacy Form Task Leaders need to fill in the Group Activity Form for Kingston Lacy and return to the appropriate email address prior to the work parties commencing.  Activity Form.doc or Activity form.pdf

Approval must be sought from each volunteer before photos are taken and added to Meetup or other Social Media, e.g. Facebook

Non-Member Form - print out and give to each new volunteer at their first work party. This is to be filled out and returned to the Task Leader. Please scan and send a copy to the Hours Co-ordinator, together with the Hours Report, after the work party.

Please ensure each Non-Member is also given an ICE Volunteer Health Card to complete and keep on their person at each work party they attend (in a handy location), and inform the Ranger if there are any health issues and/or emergency medication that they need to be aware of.
(Only use the pdf version if no new cards are available)

Hours Report - this word document is to be used after each work party to log the hours done by each volunteer.
Please ensure you enter everyone's full name.
This must be sent to the Hours Co-ordinator as soon as possible after the work party. If the work party is cancelled, please  fill in as normal including the reason for cancellation and who cancelled it, as one or two hours are still allocated to each volunteer depending on whether it was cancelled by the National Trust or ourselves. The Hours Co-ordinator's email address is on the Hours report Form.    Hours Report.doc or Hours Report.pdf